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虬龙峡呈北东走向断裂控制,从峡谷口向内,北侧高大的崖壁从中一分为二,崖壁表面形态由波状起伏到平整如新,大小洞穴遍布,逐渐由多至少、大至小、有至无的渐变, 而岩层色彩也由暗褐色变成紫红色,整个崖壁因岩性不同差异风化,巧夺天工地描绘诠释了太极的阴阳之道,号称“太极画壁”。
Taiji Painting
The Dragon Canyon is controlled by the northeast-southwest striking fault. From the entrance towards the inside of the canyon, the cliff at the north side is separated into two parts from the middle. The surface reliefs change from undulating to smooth gradually, with caves of varying sizes. These caves change in numbers from numerous to little and vary in size from big to small, slowly vanishing inward the canyon. The pigments of the beddings exhibit from dark brown to purple red. Differential weathering has been ongoing as a result of lithological differences (rock type differences). This cliff wall is made with exquisite workmanship by nature, displaying harmoniously negative and positive reliefs, which therefore reflects the balance of the Yin-Yang philosophy of Taiji. Hence, here is titled as “Taiji Painting”