前方的崖壁由三层岩穴分布组成层叠状的洞穴,形状像三只龟重叠在一起,故名“龟叠岩”。 成因是由于垂直水流自上而下侵蚀近水平延伸的软弱岩层而形成,上下、左右洞间未遭侵蚀的岩层如同隔板。这些洞穴悬挂于碧潭绿水的丹崖之上,仿若琼楼阁宇,故有“水上楼阁”之美称。
[Water pavilion _ box-shaped cave]
The “overlapped turtle rock” was composed by three-layer caves formed on the cliff surface. It looks like three turtles lap over each other. The development of these caves can be attributed to the erosion process on the nearly horizontal rock layers by water running from the top. The rock layers separate the caves are confining beds, which are more resistant to water erosion. Hanging on the Danxia escarpment, these caves look like a richly decorated pavilion above the water. That is why the landscape here is named as “water pavilion”.